Welcome to Moving Forward Leadership which is run by me, Scott McCarthy. My goal is simply to help you become a better leader. Regardless if you are in big business, small business, government, not-for-profit, or even a stay at home parent, we all need leadership in our lives. But how do we become a better leader?
Who is Scott McCarthy?
More Importantly, How did he Learn Leadership?
I’m a pretty simple guy in reality. I’ve been learning leadership and exercising leadership since I was only 12 years old.
When I was 12, I signed up and joined the 2903 (Norman’s Cove) Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps. This youth program is a Canadian Armed Forces sponsored program with the goal of developing Canadian youth to become active, responsible members of their communities. This was my first taste of leadership, and I was immediately hooked.
I spent almost six years in that program with the pinnacle being one of the few selected to attend the Outbound Scotland Exchange, and in my mind, it was the launching pad for my military career. In 2006, I graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada as an Army Logistics Officer.
Life in the military is by far no means an easy one. You move almost constantly, you can be sent away at a moment’s notice and have no idea when you are coming home, and most importantly you are expected to place your life on the line for your country.
But despite all that, it’s a goldmine for opportunities to exercise leadership. Just at the age of a ripe 24, I would command my first military subordinate-unit, a transportation platoon which ballooned to over 80 soldiers during my tenure.
Charlie Platoon, 1 Service Battalion CFB Edmonton (2008)
Scott on Operation NIMRUZ - Supporting the Afghan New Year, Kandahar Afghanistan 2010
In 2009, my skills were placed to the test as I deployed to Kandahar Afghanistan. However, I did not deploy to command my soldiers instead I deployed to help others command theirs. My mission was to embed myself into an Afghan National Army Logistics Battalion (or Kandak) and provide mentorship and guidance to the commanders within the unit. It was an incredible experience which I’ll never forget. That experience though led me down the road of Moving Forward Leadership.
During that seven-month deployment, I spent everyday helping, mentoring, and guiding Afghan Army officers and their soldiers on how to conduct operations. However, my favourite conversations were those which revolved around leadership and how to learn an organization. Not to say that they agreed with everything I had to say! But the seed was planted. I came to the realization that truly enjoyed helping others develop their skill sets and achieve results.
But Why?
Like Seriously Why do all this?
You’re not the first to ask. I do it for my family’s future. You see one day, I will leave the army, but I still want to be productive – it’s simply not in my blood to stop. So I wanted to create myself something which I could transition into which enabled me to work on my passion day-in, day-out but provide the flexibility to be with my kids and wife when I wanted to be.
As well, I’m a social butterfly and love meeting new people- just ask Julie! So interviewing guests, talking about leadership, meeting coaching clients, and everything else which goes with this life is completely up my alley. Why would I not build something around everything I love?
Let me tell you a diddy about Scott & Julie
In 2011, my wife Julie decided to change careers. This decision took us down a path seven years of education for her – four of which were spent living apart, a child, and a lot of spare time for me. Despite working full-time on an advancing rapidly career, completing my Master’s in Business Administration, and eventfully starting a family, I needed something else in my life. I realized after some soul-searching that helping others in leadership was that something. So after a little planning Moving Forward Leadership was born.
At first, it was small. Simply a hobby, recording a podcast to share with the world. But like everything else I touch in life, staying small was not in the cards for the podcast. I slowly built it more and more – first social media profiles, then a website, then recording equipment, then a website rebuild… well I’m sure you get the picture. After all, I named it “Moving Forward” Leadership, the moving forward showing continual improvement.
Where do you start
As leaders we are expected to know it all, to be able to make decisions at a moments notice, to develop our people, and yet sleep soundly at night. It’s a lot! It takes time, practice, and learning from mistakes to become a good leader. God, I wish I had someone to talk to in the early days, someone to mentor me, someone… to coach me.
If you are leading an organization or expect to lead one someday, it’s not too late to figure out where to start. Anywhere regarding leadership is a good place to start. Something is always better than nothing. But I am here to help.
I have developed numerous resources which will help you along your way. Most robustly is my podcast where I interview the world’s top thinkers on all aspects of leadership. From hiring to firing, from personal development to mindset, we discuss it all.
Next, is my resources page where you will find all the resources which I have developed, my guests have created, or I have personally used and vouched for them. Here you will be able to develop your skills as a leader.
Finally, a community for everyone to freely discuss leadership. Our free Facebook community is available for everyone can join and discuss leadership. But the coolest thing is that I invite every single guest to the show – and even most of them do join!
I'm here for you
Together let's grow and move forward!
As I hinted at earlier, Moving Forward Leadership is all about continual growth and development. I’m assuming you are here because you want to learn more about leadership and developing people. For myself, I have learned that teaching is the best way to solidify knowledge. Together let’s grow and move forward!
Thanks for reading all of this and I’d love for us to connect. If you are ready to bring your leadership game to the next level, then subscribe below, reach out to all the resources mentioned earlier and always remember to…